
Newts latest venture in plugin developments, immerse your world into a sea of zombies, build a siege stone to bring forth a horde of mutant zombies, maintain your sanity levels, and so much more!

Mobirise Website Builder

bring forth the Zombies!

in the start of using this plugin you must first define the target world in the config this will need to be done after generating the config file then simply restart your server (alternatively use PluginManger to reload the plugin) and voila! you’re in! the core function of the plugin is at night large hordes of zombies will spawn in dark spaces around the players, so keep a torch or 64 handy!

Mobirise Website Builder
Mobirise Website Builder

Siege Stone

This multiblock was heavily influenced by the age old "herobrine shrine" but does so much worse! upon creating this multiblock an event called a siege will start, a timer with the remaining time of the siege will also begin to count down from above the siege stone, the stone will begin to summon siege zombies in a 30 block radius of the multiblock center, these zombies are 2x faster than regular zombies as well as 3x stronger in attack damage, to add a little more zest to the cake, they cannot burn in the daytime! you can add a customized drop item to these zombies in the config as well as define how well of a chance there is to drop said item, nearing the end of the siege a beeper will play starting at the 5 second count down and will ring as the event comes to a close, at which point the siege stone will explode depending on the config setting, and all siege zombies will be struck by lightning and removed.

technical bits


/giveinsanity [player]- this will give the insanity bossbar to the target player if they were not given one when in the target world

/setinsanity [player] [0.0 - 1.0] - this can be used to manually set a targets insanity level

/checkinsanity [player] - this will check if the target has a saved insanity level and recall it to their insanity bar

/removeinsanity [player] - this will remove the insanity bar of the target if it was not removed upon leaving the target world

/setapocdata [player] [key] [spaced value] - this is used mostly for testing but can be used to set a persistent data container string value bound to the target player

/getapocdata [player] [key] - this is used mostly for testing but can be used to get a persistent data container string value of the target player

/apoc-reload - will reload the config file to apply any changes made to it to the game without the need to reload or restart the whole server

/textdisp [nospace value] [time] [scale] - this can be used to create a temporary TextDisplay entity at the location of the player


# Newts Apocalypse              #
# yes the plugin name is a typo #
#world name where plugin will take action
world: world
#rng range
min: 1
max: 1000
#range to sheck if rng is between to try spawn
range1: 20
range2: 40
#minimum light level required to spawn (4 is minimum ambient light the night will reach)
minLight: 6
#radius distance around player to try to spawn in
spawnRange: 100
#range of how many to spawn each time
maxSpawn: 150
minSpawn: 15
#time in between each try spawn (seconds)
interval: 5
#entity type to spawn (keep zombie for effective use)
entity: ZOMBIE
#amount to add to insanity per zombie kill
insanity_add: 0.01
#amount to decrease insanity while not killing zombies every 1 second
recovery_rate: 0.001
#set the follow range of all zombies in target world
follow_range: 150
#radius zombies will glow in on ringing a bell
glow_radius: 60
#duration glow will last in ticks (20 is 1 second)
glow_duration: 300
#color of zombie to glow as
glow_color: RED
#text to display above a bell on place in target world
bell_text: Show %s's
#color of the bossbar for insanity, can be:PINK PURPLE BLUE GREEN RED WHITE YELLOW
bar_color: PURPLE
#name the sanity juice item will retain on crafting
juice: "&bSanity Juice"
#item to put on top of and bellow a wter bucket to craft sanity juice
juiceItem: DIAMOND
#the amount of sanity recovery upon consuming sanity juice
juice_rate: 0.06
#the color of the sanity juice potion can only be one of the following (if not set will default to red);
juice_color: RED
#if return set to true upon player going to any world or dimension that is not the target world from the target world will have their hunger sated and health regenerated
return: false
#if true requires bucket to craft sanity juice if false will require water bottle
bucket: true
#the sound the bell will resonate upon ringing in target world to show zombies, refer to https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/Sound.html for sound names to input here
#the pitch of the sound that will play on bell resonate
pitch: 0
#name of jerky
jerky_name: "&6Jerky"
#length of time in seconds a siegeStone will live
siege_time: 120
#rate of rng check to summon siege zombie during event (in ticks)
siege_rate: 20
#will siegeStone explode after event end
explode: false
#will siege zombies be struck by lightning and removed after siege end?
strike: true
#item siege zombies will drop
#chance of that item to drop
drop_chance: 100
#show helical particle string on siege mob spawn (may cause lag depending on resources of the host machine)
helix: false
#make it rain during siege event?
weather: true
#enable insanity?
insanity: true