
Now 10 hearts just isn't quite enough these days, but you cant obtain immortality without paying a price, now can you?

technical bits


/addlife - used to add life to player for the cost of a golden apple

/addlife-help - show the lifeline help menu

/addlife-data - display data of the config file for LifeLine

/addlife-resetlife - reset max health back to base level

/lifeline-update - used to manually check for plugin updates


##   Newts LifeLine   ##

#economy mode enables the requirement to be charged money as well as the item to increase your life (Requires vault)
economy-mode: false
#cost is how much it will cost per addlife to increase life
cost: 20

#item to use for addlife
item: golden_apple

#maximum level a player can increase their life count
#every 10 is a full bar of health
max_life: 60

#amount of health to increase by each time addlife is run
increase_by: 2

#health to reset to when dying or resetting life
#every 1 is equal to half a heart
base_health: 20

#how many of item is required to increase life
material_cost: 1

#message to display when player dies and has extra lives
death_message: §cYou Died. your extra lives have been reset.

#message to display when player has reached maximum health
max_health_message: §cYou've reached the max health limit.

#message to display when player runs addlife and has requirements met, Note: this will only apply if economy-mode is false
success_message: §aYour life count has been increased.

# Permissions
# lifeline.admin
# this permission is required for non oped players to run commands /addlife-resetlife and /addlife-data